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Welcome to Nigrisoli hospital

The Accredited Private Certified Hospital Nigrisoli is one of the historical hospitals in Bologna: inaugurated at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the resourcefulness of the two Nigrisoli brothers, both doctors, it is located in the heart of Bologna. By being inside a park of more than 10,000 sq. m, it ensures patients peace and quietness.

The Accredited Private Certified Hospital Nigrisoli offers an extensive hospital and medical care service, as well as numerous instrumental diagnostic services. The medical staff, coupled with state-of-the-art instrumental and technological equipment, ensures high levels of quality care for people.

The hospital’s healthcare is available to patients both privately and in accreditation with the National Health Service. The facility has 120 beds used for the hospitalization of patients and for the following medical branches: general medicine, recovery and functional re-education, long-term care and extensive rehabilitation, general surgery, orthopedics, urology.

Why Nigrisoli

Analysis Laboratory

The OPR Analysis Laboratory, accredited and certified, has been operating within the Nigrisoli Hospital for more than 40 years, responding to the diagnostic needs of Clinicians, Specialists and General Practitioners

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The Urology Center deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the male urogenital apparatus and female urinary tract pathologies.

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Magnetic resonance imaging

We carry out Digestive Endoscopy with cutting-edge tools to deliver steadily a superior quality product.

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