Ospedali Privati Riuniti SpA is the holding company of Nigrisoli and Villa Regina accredited private hospitals. The two hospitals have separate healthcare authorizations and accreditation:
The two hospitals have obtained certification of their quality system based on the ISO 9001 standard for the provision of healthcare services.
Furthermore, the Accredited Private Hospital Nigrisoli has obtained provisional accreditation from the Emilia-Romagna region as a Provider for ECM training (Continuous Education in Medicine) and it is certified ISO 9001 for the project and management of training events.
OPR Chairman | Dott. Guido Nigrisoli |
Chief Medical Officer of the Hospitals OPR | Dott. Sandro Uva |
Managing Director - OPR | Dott. Claudio Zappi |
Administrative Officer OPR | Sig.ra Anna Rita Visini |
Head of Planning, Control and Quality OPR | Dott.ssa Cristina Canedi |
Pharmacy Responsible | Dott. Francesco Righi |
Head of Technical Service and RSPP OPR | Ing. Alberto Cattani |
HR Manager - OPR | Dr.ssa Elisabetta Tagliati |