Ogni soggetto, ad esclusione dei pazienti, che accede alla struttura è tenuto a possedere e ad esibire il GREEN PASS in corso di validità.
Ogni soggetto, ad esclusione dei pazienti, che accede alla struttura è tenuto a possedere e ad esibire il GREEN PASS in corso di validità.

Digestive Endoscopic

The Digestive Endoscopy Service uses state-of-the-art high-tech tools to deliver consistently a superior quality product for the benefit of the user.

Indeed, with the use of high-definition instruments and contrasting techniques, it is possible to increase the rate of the digestive tract lesion detection and consequently act more effectively in the prevention of colon neoplastic diseases, the third cause of death in the world.

The constantly up-to-date and qualified staff and the comfortable environment allow a natural and professional patient’s acceptance and management from the hospitalization to the end of the survey. A pool of experienced professionals ensures compliance with the most acclaimed international guidelines.

The Digestive Endoscopy service is accessible privately with short waiting times and, for patients resident in Bologna and limited to upper digestive tract surveys, also through accredited CUP (Local NHS) booking.